Einhorn Collaborative2024-05-15T19:25:51+00:00

Einhorn Collaborative


Einhorn Collaborative was formed to work against what they describe as a crisis of connection that has developed in our world.

Fresh from a complete brand redesign, the ask was to move their site off of Wix and onto WordPress while maintaining a consistent look and feel.

This led to several other projects summarized below with links for more details.


The initial deliverables was full Wix to WordPress site migration, with great care taken to align with branding.

Following that project led to converting a professionally designed research primer to web, designing an analytics dashboard, and providing in depth SEO configuration research and configuration.

Report Web Version
Analytics Dashboard

Website Wix Migration

A Call to Connection Primer

  • Fully Designed Primer

  • Custom Navigation

  • Subtle Animation

  • Thoughtful Details

  • Enjoyable Web Reading Experience


  • Configuration for core pages
  • Research and configuration of historical blog posts
  • Ongoing keyword refinement

  • Position tracking

Analytics Dashboard

  • Google Analytics

  • Social Analytics

  • Newsletter Analytics

  • Custom Goals

  • Looker Studio Dashboard

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