Cal Cleaning Solutions2024-05-15T19:54:19+00:00

Cal Cleaning Solutions

Small Business

Cal Cleaning Solutions is a COVID-certified cleaning outfit based in the San Francisco Bay area. Recognizing a need for certified cleaning professionals as COVID was changing the way we all live, Cal Cleaning Solutions was founded.

A brand new website with accompanying graphic support for web and printed material was needed.


We established hosting and the domain for Cal Cleaning. From there we provided a new website, branding package with fonts, colors and imagery, as well as SEO configuration and an analytics dashboard.

Brand Assets
Print Materials
Analytics Dashboard


  • New Website

  • Hosting Setup

  • Domain Purchase

  • 7 pages

  • 1 Contact Forms

  • Analytics Dashboard

  • SEO Configuration

Graphic Assets

  • Logo

  • Branding

  • Business Cards

  • Brochure

  • Stock Imagery

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